Zoom Out


You’re stuck because you know too much. Which is why you think too much. You fixate on every pixel that might go rogue and ruin the picture. Of course, all this from the comfort of your couch.

While it is important to plan and prepare for a jump; imagine how much you could undertake and achieve if you didn’t know what could go wrong! Strategic ignorance, I call it.

Less intelligent people are happier because they expect less. But not you. You expect more. Which, on the one hand, is a wonderful way to acknowledge the tremendous vastness of the world. On the other hand, however, you expect more because you know too much. And you think you know too much because you think too much.

Maybe this is why you’re stuck in a rut. Unable to take any action. Trapped in a mental maze of your own design. Paralyzed by anxiety and permutations of the unknown.

Life is so beautiful if you’d just look outside. Zoom out.

Do not get lost in the pixels that you forget what the picture really looks like. Zoom out.

Keep your eyes on the long term horizon. Good times are ahead.

Draw your plans, but allow a lot of room for errors. Allow for your estimates to be wrong by several orders. Refuse to constrain yourself in a box of your own design. Refuse to be locked in a self-imposed timeframe.

Refuse to see the world from the peephole of whatever cage your life exists in right now. Zoom out.

See the bigger picture —if you ever had one. If you never did, it’s fine still. Draw up one. Draw up one for yourself. Then own it. It is yours. Treasure it.

In the words of DHH: embrace the paradox that there are times when the less you know raises the bar for what you can do.